We develop an actionable plan for ​your project. Our diverse ​perspectives and personal ​attention allows us to partner with ​you to bring your vision to life.

Our Services

Entrepreneurs Wanted

Strategic Visioning & ​Coaching for Small ​Businesses and Non​-Profits​

PBC has the ability to take your vision ​to reality by developing a blueprint ​for your success. We help further ​define and differentiate your ​organization from the pack!

Evaluating new strategies

Program Management

PBC collaborates with organizations ​to develop programs that honor their ​mission and executes their vision.

In addition, we offer train the trainer ​workshops for your staff or a PBC ​staff member is available to manage ​the programs on your behalf.

Project Funding. Text in Lightbox


With a proven track record of writing ​successful RFQ/P/LOI responses and ​Grant Applications, PBC is the ​partner that wins contracts and ​funding across industries.

In addition, we bring credit and ​banking partnerships to help fund ​your projects!

DeVonia Merino

Managing Principal

DeVonia is a transformative ​business coach and management ​consultant with over 20 years of ​experience across private, public, ​and government sectors. She has ​worked for Fortune 500 companies ​in the Architectural, Engineering, ​Construction, and Co​mmunication industries su​ccessfully capturing nearly $1 bi​llion dollars in contracts and gr​ant funding during her career.

Get in touch!

DeVonia Merino

Managing Principal

E. devonia@peacockbc.com